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Yahoo! Chat Help and Windows Security
Stop Getting Booted

Does your messenger crash as soon as you start it?
Then odds are you have been sent a bootcode and it's in your offline

How to remove the boot?
Well unfortunately, at present, you cannot delete the bootcode
without losing all your offline messages.
but this is how to delete them all.
Double click on the 'My Computer' icon located on your desktop or in
start menu on XP.
Double click on the icon marked (C:)
Double click on the 'Program Files' folder.
Double click on the 'Yahoo!' folder.
Double click on the 'Messenger' folder.
Double click on the 'StoredIM' folder.
Now delete the entire contents of this folder.
Now messenger should start up just fine.
Stopping messenger boots in chat
OK now I'm going to tell you how to use the
filter1.txt (found in your
Yahoo! Messenger folder) to stop you being booted out of chat.

OK just a couple of quick points on this method.
Firstly it makes chat look ugly as it replaces certain words and
characters with * so you will see all the tags that are used in chat.
Secondly it only works on these sort of boots, it will not stop voice,
webcam, nor any other type of 'invite' bomb/boot.
OK, with that said let us proceed.

Double click the 'My Computer' icon located on your desktop or in
start menu on XP.
Double click on '(C:)', Then double click on 'Program Files'.
Double click on 'Yahoo!', Then double click on 'Messenger'.
Now locate your 'filter1.txt' file and double click on it to open it.
(Please note the file name may just appear as 'filter1' on your
OK, Now unless you want to filter out all the words in the file, delete
them all.
Now type in "
<f,<a,www." (without the ") and save the file.
Now activate word filter and messenger will replace <f,<a, and www.
in chat with stars.
This does unfortunately make font tags visible but does stop your
messenger crashing (hopefully).

Personally I think this makes chat look ugly, So unless you use voice
chat I recommend using one of the clients listed on the 'Client' page.
Ychat is probably the easiest for the beginner, but
Yahelite deals
with flooding in chat better.

Taken from www.carbonize.co.uk . (Thanks Carbonize!)
